Survey : Illegal downloaders spend more on music

P2P downloaders still forking out for their favourite music.
Those guilty of illegally downloading music still spend £33-a-year more than their law-abiding counterparts according to a new survey.
Users who frequent P2P sites do so as a "discovery mechanism" before spending an average of £77-a-year on music compared to £44 spent by not-destroying-the-music-industry-evil-doers. Interesting.
Analyst Mark Mulligan of Forrester Research says: "The people who file-share are the ones who are interested in music. They use file-sharing as a discovery mechanism."
The results were cleaned from 1,000 surveyed users aged between 16 and 50 and should be of interest to Lord Mandleson and the government cronies seeking to instigate broadband bans on those users with "three strikes" for illegal downloading.
The survey seems to show that while illegal downloaders will use P2P to sites to find out if they like a band, they'll still buy the next album or the back catalogue if they do.
Link: via TechRadar