Justin Timberlake likely to Star in Facebook Movie !

As the days go by we're hearing more details about the Facebook movie and today's tidbit of information is, well, a little more disappointing than the fact that it's being directed by the same man who directed Fight Club.
So far we know that Aaron Sorkin, the guy who brought us the West Wing and A Few Good Men, will be writing the screenplay (Sorkin recently said he's never said 'yes' to a job offer faster). Fight Club and Se7en director, David Fincher has also been confirmed as the director, and Kevin Spacey will take on the role of producing the movie.
So who will star in this picture that has so far attracted a fairly decent chunk of cinematic talent? Word on the street is Justin Timberlake has signed on to play Sean Parker, Facebook's original president and the co-founder of filesharing site Napster. Yes, really.
What about Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO? Guardian UK reports that Adventureland star Jesse Eisenberg is the favorite to play Zuckerberg, with Shia LaBeouf and Michael Cera also rumored to take starring roles.
Who would you like to see star in the Facebook movie? Let us know in the comments below!