Google Makes it Search Bar Bigger..

Google has rolled out an update increasing the size of its search bar.
We’re all well used to seeing updates to Google's wide array of products. Be it Gmail, Google Book Search, Maps or Google Earth, the company is constantly adding new features and tweaking things to make everything run smoother. However, a more rare occurrence is Google changing its homepage. Today, the company announced a change to the Google search bar that, while relatively small, will effect everyone.
Google's Marissa Mayers today took to the Google blog to explain a change that you should see anytime you visit Google from today onwards. The company has enlarged the input box as well as the text inside to highlight its focus on search.
Starting today, you'll notice on our homepage and on our search results pages, our search box is growing in size. Although this is a very simple idea and an even simpler change, we're excited about it — because it symbolizes our focus on search and because it makes our clean, minimalist homepage even easier and more fun to use.
The search box is also blowing up the size of the search suggestions in the drop down menu that appears as you type. Previously quite small, the suggestions will now be clearer and easier to read.